Saturday, October 25, 2014

Announcing a Horseless Workshop Series in Havelock, Quebec!

As promised, I am announcing the first series of horseless workshops to be held in my new home in Southern Quebec.  As I celebrate my return to Quebec, I hope to see many of you there!

Come discover Parelli Natural Horsemanship and the language of the horse, and learn more about the HorsenalityTM model, a revolutionary concept developed by Linda Parelli to help you better understand your partner and build a stronger relationship.  In our 4th workshop, we will present the principles of caring for horses in a natural way as well as alternatives so your horse can have the best care while remaining true to his nature.

You can sign up for one or more workshops, and we offering a great deal for those who book their spot for all four dates in the series.

Come and learn without having to haul a horse!
Now being held in our new high end facility in Havelock, Quebec
Horseless workshops are a fun and practical way to learn without having to worry about hauling a horse. You will attend a conference and take part in discussions and practical simulation exercises in an indoor facility, sheltered from the weather.
Workshops are generally comprised of a presentation, exercices and games and a Q&A session.
We will hold a demo with a horse at the Havelock location.
Please note the date change for workshop 4, there was an typo in the initial post. 
  • 2 November:  Start a relationship, build a partnership (learn about Parelli)
  • 9 November:  Discover your horse's HorsenalityTM (Part 1)
  • 23 November:  Advanced HorsenalityTM (Part 2)
  • 14 December:  Natural Horse Care and Management
Workshops are open to all. Please note that there may be prerequisites in some cases.PLEASE REGISTER AHEAD OF TIME.
Workshops will be held on Sundays from 1 to 4pm.  Best deal if you book for all four dates.Hurry, space is limited!
For more info and registration forms, visit
 I look forward to seeing you there, and please share with your friends who love horses!

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